Friday, 16 May 2014

Food For The Soul

Hello, my little minions. I wanted to talk about food and the effect it has on mental state. Certain foods are associated with certain events, emotions and feelings. Some are happy, some not so much.  Food which makes you happy is probably more likely to trigger the release of endorphins in the blood. I'm no scientist, but I think that's part of it. The other side, is the association.

You come home from work. You've had a really bad day where everything went wrong, you're grumpy and you're hungry. What do you reach for? A massive salad? Or a meal with the highest number of calories you can get into you at one time? Chocolate, crisps, maybe a glass of wine. Or a bottle. Whatever. Food makes us happy. Well, it makes me happy.!

I really enjoy a big hearty bowl of homemade chilli and rice if I'm having a bad day. Even making it, creating a thick, rich and spicy sauce warms the cockles off my heart. If I'm in a good mood,  a refreshing salad of crisps lettuce, chard and rocket, some beautiful smoked salmon and baby potatoes goes down a treat. A simple dressing of British rapeseed oil and balsamic vinegar, shaken with some salt and pepper, just tops it off!

Today, I had planned to make myself a beautiful lunch, take my supper with me and have plenty snacks. But the kitchen is a mess, the dog keeps farting and I am now working 4 hours earlier than I expected! So it may be a 'very quickly thrown together meal' day for me. As they say... There's no rest for the wicked!

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